St.Joseph’s CMI School is an institution that follows the curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. The medium of instruction is English. 


The pattern of CCE is based on the evaluation scheme issued as per the directives of the CBSE. Classes I to V will follow the new scheme of CCE in a phased manner to provide a holistic profile of the learner through evaluation of both scholastic and co-scholastic areas spread over two terms in a year. Each term will have two Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment for Evaluation of Scholastic Area. The Formative Assessment will include informal tests, worksheets, Quizzes, Oral & Visual Test etc. Summative Assessment is the terminal Assessment of the performance at the end of instruction. In addition to scholastic areas, co-scholastic areas like Life Skill, attitudes and values will also be assessed. Promotion is based on the day-to-day work of the students throughout the year and also on the performance in the terminal examination. 

The grades stands for the following distribution of marks 

A+          outstanding                       90%-100% 
A            Excellent                           75%-89% 
B            Very Good                       56%-74% 
C           Good                                 35%-55% 
D            scope for improvement       Below 35% 

Minimum pass mark of 33% in each subject in the terminal exams is essential for the promotion to the next class.

Regular attendance in the class is expected from all the pupils. Any irregularity in this regard or absence without prior permission will adversely affect the evaluation of the concerned pupil and may entail disciplinary action. No pupil shall absent himself/herself without prior permission. If this is not possible for unforeseen reasons, the reasons for leave should be entered in the diary on the first day of return to the school. Those who absent themselves for more than 10 days without leave will be removed from the rolls. Half-a-day leave will not be granted to pupils unless requested by parents in case of an emergency. A minimum of 80% of the total working days of the academic year is a pre-requisite for promotion. Attendance on the dates of opening and closing of school is compulsory
